abstract acrylic paintings

Abstract Acrylic Paintings for Children’s Rooms

Thursday 6th August 2020

Hi Folks,

I can’t believe it’s over a week since writing my first ever BLOG. So here goes with my second ever BLOG.

It’s been a busy enough kind of week for me painting wise and as usual, I have loved every second of it, even the part when I waken up in the middle of the night thinking of ideas for the next day at the easel and can’t get back to sleep again! Mind you, the bags under my eyes are getting heavier and heavier to carry!!

Some of my ideas have worked and some haven’t worked out so well, but that’s ok because that happens to everyone, as long as I can learn from my mistakes.

As Steve Jobs said Ideas without action aren’t ideas, they’re regrets

One of my ideas during the week was trying out painting a few pictures for children’s bedrooms – after all, why should children be deprived from having their own original abstract acrylic paintings?

Putting a pale lilac wash on 3 canvases was the next step. When dried, my brush just started doing its own thing and below are the results. What do you think? I would be really interested in hearing your honest thoughts.

Best wishes
Lyn x

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