Tuesday 9th March, 2021
I can’t believe that it’s nearly a year since my hubby set up my website for me and in that time so little and yet so much seems to have happened.

Thankfully Winter is nearly over and Spring is definitely in the air, the daffodils, snowdrops and crocus are all out and with the clocks going forward on the 20th of the month we will be able to enjoy longer and brighter days – definitely worth losing an hours sleep for!!
We can also look forward to better times ahead now that the vaccines are available and in the not too distant future we will hopefully be able to meet and hug our loved ones again – things are looking far more positive now than last year at this time thank goodness.
We have been spending time updating artbylyn.com with some new abstract pictures and acrylic pours which I have painted in my new studio since January.
My February blog was never sent out I’m afraid, due to circumstances out of my control, but in it I showed some pictures of my super new studio where I hope to spend many more happy hours painting.
I hope you will enjoy reading my monthly blogs throughout 2021 – it really would be so nice to find out more about you, so please leave me a message any time you like and I will reply of course.

Till next time, keep staying safe folks,
Lyn x